Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales Edited by Isaac Asimov and Groff Conklin

Some treats from the past.

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JPOC Rating

Eight out of ten. I really enjoyed these.

My review

If you like really short SF stories then you should read this book. It contains a lot of them and they are good. They are also short. The book packs fifty stories plus introductions etc into less than 300 pages.

The collection was first issued in the early sixties and the stories themselves come from the forties and fifties. SF is a rapidly changing medium and, with an average age of half a century, many of these stories now show their age. But that does not really detract from their quality. After all, this collection features the greatest SF talents of the era.

If forced to pick a favourite from the collection, I'd choose "The Available Data on the Worp Reaction" by Lion Miller but there are so many good tales in here that naming one alone is an injustice to the others.