Harlan Ellison, Short story master.

Harlan Ellison is most famous for his science fiction short stories. To my mind, he is one of the greatest authors of short fiction ever, in any genre. SF often dates quickly, dealing as it does with speculation about the future which may soon be shown to be wrong. Ellison's stories just do not suffer from this.

Running through his work there is a peculiar brand of black humour and the author uses this to very good effect.

If you are new to this author, I suggest that you try to get hold of a copy of "The Essential Ellison" which book truely lives up to its title. It is the one book by Harlan Ellison that everyone should have. It contains all of his most famous stories plus many less well known ones that give a reader a good overview of his writing career.

His two famous anthologies, "Dangerous Visions" and "Again Dangerous Visions" are also well worth reading. They contain many great stories from an enormous number of authors some of whom produced their finest work for Ellison.

Short Stories
Master Index Cross Reference of all Harlan Ellison short story reviews
Paingod Timeless shorts
Deathbird Stories A powerful collection.
Anthologies will appear here
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