I have decided to keep a journal!
I'm not really sure about exactly what you find here but, if you are following the web site, it will give you some idea about the person behind it all!
Latest entries
July the thirtyfirst.
jpoc goes to the races!
August the seventh.
two weddings, no funerals.
August the fourteenth.
fly to England, drive back.
August the twentyfirst.
Bad news.
August the twenty-eighth.
Carpets and restaurants.
September the fourth.
Back to school.
September the eleventh.
A long coach ride
September the eighteenth.
September the twentyfifth.
Birthday but no circus
October the second.
A birthday and a trip to France
October the ninth.
Coat, CD and socks
This year
May the first!
Two long weekends!
May the sixteenth!
2300kms in one weekend!
May the twenty third!
Pied Pipers!
June the seventh.
Busy times with guests!
June the thirteenth.
June the twentieth.
Dead video, dead computer
June the twentyseventh.
New video and TV
July the second.
In which jpoc has a bad tooth
July the ninth.
New office!
July the seventeenth.
Off to England
July the twenty fourth.
Maria goes to St.P.
Last year
Before last year
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