The jpoc website guide.

Welcome to my web site guide.

Well, this part of the website, is about the website. Hmmm, does that mean that this section is in fact a meta-homepage?

Well, if you have ever wondered why the site is the way that it is, or why it exists at all, or even how do I do it then this is the place to visit.

I'm going to split things into sections initially I intend to cover policy, technical issues and content issues.

Of course, as with the rest of the site, this will be a continuously growing section.

Here I write about the rules of the site.
Why Tripod? The reason for the location of the site
Affiliate programs Why this site does not participate in affiliate programs
Advertising Advertising on this website
Technical issues
How is the site prepared? I will answer that question here.
What goes on this site? How do I create the material here?
Schedule When do I post the different articles?
Book Reviews How do I set about writing the reviews on the site?
About my road tests What goes into a jpoc road test?
Home My home page