JPOC's recipes

Big surprise, I can cook!

So, here are some of my favourites.

Like the rest of the site, this will be a long term work in progress with new items being added as I make up new things and get around to writing them down.

The sections headed starters, main course and deserts will be clear to everyone. In the last section, "Simple but Scrummy" I offer some ideas to make convenience foods more interesting without making them inconvenient.

Starters, snacks and side dishes
Fabienne's Favourite A boozy way to start a feast!
Nutty Potatoes Nutty by nice!
Broccoli Stuffed Peppers These make an attractive side dish
Brown Bread with Smoked Salmon and Mustard An interesting and unusual starter
Peaches with peanut butter I bet that you will not find this one in any books!
Main Courses! Coming soon, JPOC's hot veggie chilli
Baked Salmon Baked in white wine!
Macedonian Vegetable Bake Inspired by a bottle of wine!
Duck with Ginger and Pineapple sauce Fresh from the inventor's kitchen!
Fried Salmon With herbs and red wine!
Desserts, sweet and sticky!
Simple but Scrummy
Bacon baguettes Cheese, Garlic and Bacon!
Beans on Toast No, really. I mean it!
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